The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value. 该飞机的投保价值高于它的实际账面价值。
Earlier this summer, the credit rating agency said that any "combined credit facility" would carry the rating of the lowest, not the highest, member contributing to the fund. 今年夏初,这家信用评级公司曾表示,任何“联合信贷安排”的评级将取所有出资国中的最低评级,而不是最高评级。
Inspired also by companies such as Ctrip. com, the Chinese online travel agency, Nay Aung has raised money from investors he says include a Japanese fund and a rich Singaporean individual. 受中国在线旅行社携程网(等公司的启发,NayAung从投资者那里筹得了资金&据他说,这些投资者包括一家日本基金和一位新加坡富豪。
As per agency agreement, transfer fund of bank bill issued to the principal bank on the day of issuance or on the morning of next business day at latest; 按照协议的规定将签发的银行汇票资金于当日至迟次日上午向被代理行移存;
The agency, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, has offered limited mandates to some US fund managers, but its ability to take risks is constrained by guidelines. 国家外汇管理局将小部分外汇储备委托给了一些美国的基金管理公司,但其承担风险的能力仍受到政策的限制。
Worker individual not pay bears insurance premium, be sure to the society according to the certain proportion of its total wages by the enterprise however agency orgnaization pay bears insurance premium, establish birth insurance fund. 职工个人不缴纳生育保险费,而是由企业按照其工资总额的一定比例向社会保险经办机构缴纳生育保险费,建立生育保险基金。
The Singapore agency is expected to hold some of the shares through its seatown alternative investment subsidiary and its Fullerton fund management arm. 淡马锡预计将通过旗下另类投资子公司seatown和富敦(fullerton)基金管理公司持有部分建行股份。
The official Xinhua News Agency announced, in an unusually strong statement, that Mr Chen had been sacked because of his role in mismanagement of the Shanghai pension fund. 官方新华社使用了罕有的强硬口吻指出陈的被捕是因为牵涉了上海社保基金案。
The announcement also clarified that the principal owners of Chinese shares held through the agency of a QFII-approved bank or fund manager would be allowed to make claims for the tax relief. 上述宣布还澄清了一点,即通过QFII批准的银行或基金管理公司持有中国股票的主要所有者,将获准申请减税。
He lauded a Central Intelligence Agency project which helps fund technologies the CIA finds important, but which lack long-term capital. 他称赞一个中央情报局的工程,有利于基金的技术中情局认定,重要的,但缺乏长期资本。
The agency whose full name is the Shanghai Municipal Housing maintenance fund management appears on lists of the top 10 shareholders of Companies in the aerospace, electronics and energy sectors traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. 在深圳证券交易所(shenzhenstockexchange)交易的3家公司中,上海市房屋维修资金管理中心位列10大股东之列,这些公司分属航空、电子和能源类公司。
Trying to address those concerns, the national development and Reform Commission, a powerful central planning agency, said last week that it would allow provinces and cities to issue bonds to fund the development of affordable housing. 为应对这些关切,实权在握的中央规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)上周宣布,将允许各省市利用债券融资支持保障性住房建设。
Analysis of the Causes of the Problems of Agency by Agreement of our Stock Investment Fund 我国证券投资基金委托代理问题原因分析
Chapter two analysis the risk of entrust agency in investment of social insurance fund. 第二章根据现行立法的选择,分析了社保基金投资运营中的委托代理风险,从而以期选择信托这种更具优势的资产委托方式规避委托代理中的风险。
We should learn from experiences of other countries to lower the agency cost and control excessive risk-taking by insurance companies from the design of the fund and to further improve the insurance security fund system in China. 应积极借鉴其他国家的实践,在基金的设计上减少代理成本并控制保险公司的冒险行为,促进我国保障基金制度进一步完善。
Chapter Two analyses the effect of agency problem in investment fund. 第二部分着重从理论上分析了投资基金制度中的委托&代理关系对制度效率的影响。
In the light of latest theory of finance agency, fund is one of service-product, and its value of service shows by different characteristics. 根据最新的金融中介理论,基金应是一种服务性质的产品,并且其服务的价值主要依靠基金产品的不同特性来体现。
A Study of the Existence of Agency Problem in Mutual Fund Contract 基金契约中代理问题存在性研究
Agency cost is mainly relative to external financing because there is a clear trust-agent relation between the investors and the company that raises fund externally. 代理成本主要是针对外部融资的。当企业通过外部融资时,投资者和融资企业存在明显的委托-代理关系。
The auditing agency adopts a method of collecting risk compensation fund that is higher than charge standards, which manifests the agency's predilections. 事务所对于风险偏好不同,而采用收取高于收费水平的风险补偿金的方法来回避高风险。
The Research to Commission-Agency Relationship of the Security Investment Fund 证券投资基金的委托-代理关系研究
This article analyzed several system arrangements for venture capital to avoid agency risk: decentralizing, adopting the investment strategy stage by stage, strengthening the control and monitor of enterprises, establishing effective incentive mechanism, improving fund market and manager market. 本文分析了风险投资基金规避委托代理风险的一些制度安排:分权、采用分阶段投资策略、加强对企业的控制和监管、构造有效的激励机制、完善基金市场和经理市场。
In order to motivate mutual fund manager to act in term of maximizing the utility of mutual fund investor, and decrease agency problem, people have devised various kinds of mutual fund contracts. 为了激励基金经理能按照最大化基金投资者的效用行动,减少代理问题,人们设计了各种类型的基金契约。
The author analyzes the diversification phenomenon in Chinese listed companies from the perspective of agency cost, then points out that blind diversification not only reduces fund efficiency, but also facilitates the wealth transfer. 本文从代理成本的角度深入分析了中国上市公司的多元化现象,指出盲目多元化不仅降低了资金效率,而且为财富转移搭建了管道。
There are two layers of agency relationship in an insurance mutual fund management company. 保险基金管理公司是双重委托代理关系。
Because of its special way of agency investment and fund management, closed-end funds have their own characteristics. 封闭式基金基于其特有的委托代理关系和封闭式的投资管理方式,具有特殊的风险特征。
Private equity investors meet the risk due to information asymmetry and agency costs in all the stages including the fund raising, the project investment and investment management. 私募股权投资人在基金募集阶段、项目投资及投后管理阶段、项目退出阶段均会受到由于信息不对称、代理成本等原因引起的风险。
Specialized deposit insurance agency ( usually the Deposit Insurance Corporation) raises insurance fund by collecting premiums, and reasonable deposit insurance premium is the important guarantee for deposit insurance system to be operated steadily. 专门的保险机构(通常为存款保险公司)通过收集保费作为保险基金的主要积累,而合理的保险费率水平是存款保险制度稳健执行的重要前提。
Two is and the overseas facilitating agency cooperation, the introduction fund, the talented person and the advanced managerial experience. 二是与国外中介机构合作,引进资金、人才和先进的管理经验。
Information asymmetry in agency relationship and the inconsistency of policy objective of government and economic purposes of private funder as well as fund managers lead government to a weak position. 委托代理关系中的信息不对称问题、政府的政策性目的与私人出资方以及基金管理机构经济性目的不一致问题造成政府在整个委托代理链中处于弱势地位。